Last night, I posted my 300th blog (you can read it here). It's been a great experience continuing my writing on politics since graduating college, where I wrote for three years as part of the UWM Post.
I've come a long way since my first post here, and I'm proud of the work I've done on this tiny blog that doesn't necessarily have the largest audience in the world, but still allows me to get my word out there.
Today, I also received a special gift: a flag that was flown over the U.S. Capitol building in Washington D.C. in honor of those who have fought for protecting First Amendment rights. It's an honor to have such an item, and it will be one I cherish for as long as I own it.
It delights me that these two events occur on the same day. With that said, I will be taking a short break for the next few days -- a family vacation up north. It won't be a LONG trip -- just long enough to let you know that I won't be doing any significant blogging within the next five days.
Enjoy your Labor Day weekend -- watch this History Channel video on the holiday.
Congratulations on the milestones, and thanks for all the great work!