
Post Debate Analysis: For Democrats, the Clock is Now Ticking

The headlines following the debate SHOULD be about how much disinformation Trump spread. They SHOULD be about how he refused to take accountability for January 6. They SHOULD be about how he was convicted of 34 felony crimes…so far. And for any other candidate running for president, this debate SHOULD have been a "gimme." Trump did what he always does: he lied, he pushed an authoritarian agenda, he avoided answering questions he should been made to answer...and he smirked through all of it. But Joe Biden isn't just any other candidate. And he's certainly not the same Joe Biden that ran for president four years ago.  These are not the words I want to write. I wish I could say that it's clear and obvious for whom anyone should give their vote to in November. And honestly? It's still clear to me whom I'm going to vote for. But I really wish I had another viable choice. Joe Biden's performance on Thursday night didn't just leave more to be desired for

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