Friday, June 7, 2024

Showing Fealty to Trump, PA Republicans Boo & Hiss at Jan. 6 Capitol Police Officers

TWO FORMER U.S. CAPITOL POLICE OFFICERS who helped to defend Congress during the January 6, 2021, Trump-inspired attack were invited guests to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives earlier this week. Although they were meant to be honored guests, that's not exactly what happened...

From The Associated Press:

Witnesses said the appearance Wednesday by former U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn and his ex-boss, former Sgt. Aquilino Gonell, triggered a distinctly negative response from some Republicans, with someone even shouting that they were cowards.


"The GOP members’ shameful behavior was unbecoming of our institution for any guest, let alone two of the men responsible for defending our democracy during a dark day in our nation’s history," [Democratic House Speaker Joanna McClinton] said. "The Republicans’ disrespect, lack of patriotism and even common decency, epitomizes the poor behavior that so many in the MAGA movement have adopted."

And from The Washington Post:

As the two men — both of whom were injured by rioters on Jan. 6 — were introduced, the House floor descended into chaos. According to Democratic lawmakers, several GOP lawmakers hissed and booed, with a number of Republicans walking out of the chamber in protest.

It's incredibly disheartening to see Republican lawmakers, or anyone at all, act this way toward people who put their lives at risk to defend out democracy. But when your fealty is to Trump and not the country, what can you expect? The GOP is no longer a party of any principles or beliefs, other than "Trump" and "MAGA" — a telling sign that indicates a growing love of fascism and authoritarianism within the party's ranks.

Featured image created by Chris Walker. Image of Pennsylvania Capitol building by Wally Gobetz/Flickr. Image of Trump by Gage Skidmore/Flickr.

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