Thursday, November 11, 2010

A few thoughts on Veterans Day

Today is Veterans Day. Many will overlook its importance, will forget to even think about it, or might not even pay attention to the many observances going on around our country.

But today is an important day nonetheless. We must not ever forget the important sacrifices our Veterans made in order to defend our country. These sacrifices included separation from loved ones, extended stays in lands not familiar to them, and in some cases perishing on the battle lines defending America from her enemies.

We may not always agree with the wars our country has waged. We may not always agree with the policies our leaders have established, the doctrines they have put in place that don't necessarily coincide with the values that Americans have long respected.

But this day isn't about our leaders; it isn't about political figures that have created wars, about lawmakers that have sent our soldiers into battlefields, whether justified or not.

This day is about those who served our country, who did what was asked of them, who defended our freedoms hoping they may last longer through the sacrifices they had made. This day is about those Americans who could have led a life of comfort, who could have said, "This duty is best left for someone else to handle," but who instead took on the role of defender so that their sons and daughters may see a better future. This day is about those who did what was asked of them, whether popular or not, because it was important, in their eyes, to keep America safe from danger whenever possible, and to fight its enemies whenever necessary.

So honor a vet today. Thank someone wearing the uniform. Tell a friend or family member of yours who may have served our country just how much you're thankful for their sacrifice. And if you can, give to the USO. It's an organization that does tremendous work for our soldiers, both abroad and at home.

God bless our veterans.

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