Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Political Heat Returns (Don't Call it A Comeback — I've Been Here For Years)

After more than a year away from the site, Chris "re-opens" Political Heat

A little more than a year ago, I stepped away from Political Heat because I was pursuing projects elsewhere.

I had separate writing gigs focusing on political issues at the national stage as well as on state matters. It was time to "retire" from this blog and move onto these other projects.

After giving it some thought, I think it's time to bring Political Heat back. My writing on the site may not be as frequent as it once was — I still have other paid writing projects to tend to — but there's still a need to discuss local, state, and national issues from a Wisconsin perspective.

I'm happy to "re-open" Political Heat after this hiatus. I'm hopeful that, if you're a returning visitor, you'll be equally happy to read it again — or that, if you're a new reader of mine, you'll enjoy what I have to say on myriad topics affecting the state and elsewhere.

Featured image credit: Teemu008/Flickr

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