Friday, September 6, 2024

Dick Cheney Is Voting for Kamala Harris, Not Donald Trump

Dick Cheney, the former vice president who served for two terms under former President George W. Bush, is hardly a person whose opinion should hold much weight these days, given his role in pushing the U.S. into a long and unnecessary war against Iraq, among other problematic parts of his lengthy, far-right political career. 

The guy's a bum, as far as I'm concerned.

But it says something about the current state of the Republican Party when even Cheney — Darth Vader himself — cannot vote for the GOP's current nominee for president, Donald Trump.


Mark Leibovich, staff writer for The Atlantic: "Dick Cheney, your you know who he will be supporting or who he will be voting for?"

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyoming): "Dick Cheney will be voting for Kamala Harris."

Leibovich: "Wow. Words I never expected to hear."

Gage Skidmore/Flickr

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